• March 3, 2021

Full Over Queen Bunk Beds – And What You Must Know

Queen bunk beds are usually quite difficult to find for several reasons that tend to be self-defeating the point of actually getting this type of furniture for practical reasons. You can now look for full over queen bunk bed via thebeanbagstore.com/beds/extra-long-beds/full-over-queen-bubunk-bed.htm.

Adult Bunk Beds: A Snuggly Space-Saving Option - WSJ

Image Source: Google

Buying a bunk bed was traditionally so that instead of two children taking up two rooms they could both comfortably occupy one room while having their own bed. This was usually so a lot of room could be saved within the house allowing perhaps an older sibling or some related adult to be in the other room. 

But seeing as you're adding a queen bunk bed into the equation you're already taking up a lot more room than is necessary. Seeing as they're generally for small children a regular size version is completely fine, having a much larger bed that is designed for adults seems unnecessary.

I think there are definitely some uses, however, such as if you think the children will be bunking together for a long period of time and into their teenage years. Usually, when children hit puberty they get moved out into their own room, and by this time the family has bought a bigger house or another room is freed up. 

But if you think that your children are going to be in that one room for a long amount of time then it is plausible that you'd want to make them as comfortable in there as possible. Queen bunk beds are sometimes used at budget holiday resorts or camps that are designed for young adults. 

In these situations, a larger bed is necessary because obviously, adults are quite a bit larger than children. But even with a larger bed a lot of space will be saved seeing as one bed is on top of the other, sometimes there are even triple bunk beds.

  • March 3, 2021

How To Turn Your Basement Into A Wine Cellar?

You have started collecting wine and suddenly, you notice that it takes over your living room. When you start looking for a solution to save it properly, sudden realization appears that there are several spaces in the basement which only begged to turn into a wine cellar. 

If you seriously change the portion of the entire basement you become a wine cellar, there are some things to consider. You can order custom wine racks via https://cablewinesystems.com/custom-wine-racking/.

Cooled or not cooled

You must decide this directly from bats. If you can't afford or don't want to install the cooling unit, the basement can still be converted, you just have to be more selective. You have to make the basement just as possible to reach optimal storage temperatures.


Choose a darker area than the basement and cover the window with blackout nuances or coloring care. You must buy a wine storage unit that will keep the area sealed and cooled for the right storage. They can buy to cover the small corner of the room or the amount of the entire basement.


Racking is the next and equally important decision. Regardless of the method used, you want to make sure you have the right racking system that will maintain the safety of wine and utilize your space as well as possible. 

This is something you might even want to have a professional consultation with. There is also an option to use an online simulator that will allow you to map the wine warehouse with a different setup to see what you like the most.