• April 30, 2024

The Science Behind Microblading: How It Works and Why It Lasts

Microblading has become a popular cosmetic procedure for individuals looking to achieve fuller and more defined eyebrows. But what exactly is microblading, and how does it work? In this article, we will delve into the science behind microblading, exploring the process and the reasons why its results can last for an extended period.

Understanding Microblading

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup technique that involves using a small handheld tool with tiny needles to deposit pigment into the skin's upper layers. This process creates hair-like strokes that mimic natural eyebrow hairs, resulting in a fuller and more defined look. Unlike traditional eyebrow tattooing, microblading creates a more natural and realistic appearance.

How Microblading Works

  • A numbing cream is applied to the eyebrows to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.
  • The microblading technician uses a handheld tool to create small incisions in the skin and deposit pigment into these cuts.
  • The strokes created by the tool mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs, resulting in a realistic and fuller look.
  • After the initial appointment, a touch-up session may be required to perfect the shape and color of the eyebrows.

Why Microblading Lasts

One of the key reasons why microblading can last for an extended period is due to the depth at which the pigment is deposited into the skin. Unlike traditional tattooing techniques that penetrate deeper layers of the skin, microblading only reaches the upper layers. This shallower placement of pigment helps the results last longer while still allowing for flexibility in color and shape adjustments.

The Science Behind Longevity

Several factors contribute to the longevity of microblading results:

Skin Regeneration Process

  • Microblading pigment is deposited into the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, which sheds and regenerates every 25-30 days.
  • As the skin exfoliates, the pigment gradually fades over time, typically lasting 1-3 years before a touch-up is needed.

Pigment Quality

  • The quality of the pigment used in microblading can impact how long the results last.
  • High-quality pigments that are specifically formulated for microblading tend to have better color retention and longevity.

Aftercare for Long-Lasting Results

Proper aftercare is essential for maintaining the longevity of microblading results. Here are some tips to help your microblading last:

Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

  • Exposure to UV rays can cause the pigment to fade more quickly.
  • Apply sunscreen to your eyebrows when spending time in the sun to protect the pigment.

Avoid Exfoliants and Harsh Skincare Products

  • Avoid using exfoliating products or harsh skincare treatments directly on the eyebrow area.
  • These products can cause the pigment to fade prematurely.

Avoid Swimming and Excessive Sweating

  • Avoid swimming and intense exercise that causes excessive sweating during the initial healing period.
  • Exposure to water and sweat can cause the pigment to fade before it has fully settled into the skin.


Microblading is a popular cosmetic procedure that offers individuals a long-lasting solution for achieving fuller and more defined eyebrows. By understanding the science behind microblading and following proper aftercare guidelines, you can enjoy the results of this semi-permanent makeup technique for years to come.

Alisa Saucedo

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