• February 16, 2023

What Should Be Included On A Retail Sales Associate Resume?

A successful retail sales associate should have a resume that showcases their skills, abilities and accomplishments. The following is a list of what should be included on a resume for a retail sales associate: 

– Skills: List any skills you have that are relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying to be a professional retail sales associate, list skills like problem solving, customer service, computer literacy and so on. 

Image Source : Google

– Work experience: Include all jobs you have held in the past, including positions such as cashier, stock boy/girl, customer service representative and so on. 

– Education: If you have completed college or other postsecondary education, include your degree or course name along with the dates it was completed. 

-Certifications/degrees: If you hold certifications or degrees related to the job you are applying for (for example, certification in Retail Sales), list them here. 

-Skills assessment test result: If you took an online skills assessment test (such as TOEFL®), please include the results below your education section. This will help us better understand your language ability and other areas of your qualifications.

If you do not have an online skills assessment test result available to share, write "N/A" in this field.

Alisa Saucedo

E-mail : webmaster@thevarsityla.com